Saturday, November 10, 2007

Redwood Senior Center

Cast members:

Nicky- Representative for Coalitions

Dawn- Director of the Senior Center

Bill -Town Council Member

Me - AAA Representative - Area Agency on Aging

This negotiation centered around a meeting called to discuss the possibility of the local senior center allowing other groups to share their meeting facilities. In return for sharing meeting space, the city council will grant a property tax waiver to the senior city.

Keeping the Senior Center Name - AAA Rep, Coalition Rep, & Center Director all wanted to keep the center name intact.
Agreement Reached: the councilman suggested a compromise, add “community” to the center name.

Amount to charge groups for use of facility - Agreement was finally reached to charge non profits a nominal fee that would cover actual expenses plus 5% to be put into a repair fund.

Designating a certain area of the facility as “Seniors Only” -
It was very important to the AAA REP (my role) for there to be a designated senior space. This would allow me to continue my federal grant applications to bring additional money & actives dedicated to senior programs.

The meeting went well and all parties seemed satisfied.

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