Monday, September 17, 2007

9/10/07 The Hospital Committee

I was on a hospital committee tasked to select 3 (of seven) patients to receive life sustaining dialysis.

Laura Ellen - Nicola - Amy

My first comments pertained to whether we could make alternate arrangements rather than rank the patients by need/severity. Laura Ellen suggested that we draw names, I redirected because I felt that the nature of the negotiation exercise was to force us to look at our biases and rank the patients

Reluctantly, we started to rank the patients, first we ranked them by social situation (children/no children, financial resources, etc.). Laura Ellen made her own list based upon the perceived severity of the disease in each patient. Once LE showed Nicola & I the list, we both thought it was a good idea to base the decision on disease progression/severity rather than social situation.

If I had made the decision on my own, I would have disqualified the patients that had the financial ability to seek treatment elsewhere. Good exercise!


Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Mr. Malvenue

I played the part of an Executive Director of a special interest group "End Violence Now." My task was to talk to the DA and express how angry the community would be if she gave Mr. Malvenue a light sentence.

Laura Ellen was the DA. I calmly told her that we wanted to see Mr. Malvenue get the harshest sentence possible and that it would not be good for her political career if he were to get a light sentence. The DA was very understanding and assured me that she was going to give the harshest sentence she could.....but since the wife would not press charges, it was going to be difficult.