Saturday, November 24, 2007
Pepulator Pricing
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Strange Chips
Sunday, November 11, 2007
67 Fishpond Lane
Scott and I did a thorough job “selling” the positive attributes of the house. Laura Ellen asked the appropriate questions about the condition of the house, warranty, etc.
We did the majority of the negotiation via Google chat, however, we completed it in person prior to class. We agreed on a price that was both acceptable to the buyers and provided a very nice profit for us.
Saturday, November 10, 2007
Redwood Senior Center
Me - AAA Representative - Area Agency on Aging
This negotiation centered around a meeting called to discuss the possibility of the local senior center allowing other groups to share their meeting facilities. In return for sharing meeting space, the city council will grant a property tax waiver to the senior city.
Keeping the Senior Center Name - AAA Rep, Coalition Rep, & Center Director all wanted to keep the center name intact.
Agreement Reached: the councilman suggested a compromise, add “community” to the center name.
Amount to charge groups for use of facility - Agreement was finally reached to charge non profits a nominal fee that would cover actual expenses plus 5% to be put into a repair fund.
Designating a certain area of the facility as “Seniors Only” -
It was very important to the AAA REP (my role) for there to be a designated senior space. This would allow me to continue my federal grant applications to bring additional money & actives dedicated to senior programs.
The meeting went well and all parties seemed satisfied.
Saturday, November 3, 2007
The World Bank
The game started and I basically just watched. After watching for about 20 minutes, I figured out that if both sides of the game refused to attack, that both sides would beat the bank.